Mouse : small object that you use to select things
using computer : Mouses, Mice
using animal : (only) Mice
field : an area on the screen where you type in information
screen : the part of the monitor that you look at
modem : a thing that sends information from one computer to another using telephone lines.
monitor : the part of the computer that is like a TV
to surf : to look at information on the Internet
headphone : the part that you put on your ears to listen
to download : to copy something from the Internet to your computer
PC : personal computer; an individual computer
cursor : a small blinking thing that shows you where you are on the screen
website : a location or address on the World Wide Web
icon : a small picture on the screen
to click : to push the button on the mouse
computer virus : instructions in the computer that can destroy information
The Internet : connects millions of computers in the world
laptop : a computer small enough to carry around
word processing : a program for writing letters, etc.
e-mail : electronic mail; mail sent by the computer
keyboard : what you use to type on
using computer : Mouses, Mice
using animal : (only) Mice
field : an area on the screen where you type in information
screen : the part of the monitor that you look at
modem : a thing that sends information from one computer to another using telephone lines.
monitor : the part of the computer that is like a TV
to surf : to look at information on the Internet
headphone : the part that you put on your ears to listen
to download : to copy something from the Internet to your computer
PC : personal computer; an individual computer
cursor : a small blinking thing that shows you where you are on the screen
website : a location or address on the World Wide Web
icon : a small picture on the screen
to click : to push the button on the mouse
computer virus : instructions in the computer that can destroy information
The Internet : connects millions of computers in the world
laptop : a computer small enough to carry around
word processing : a program for writing letters, etc.
e-mail : electronic mail; mail sent by the computer
keyboard : what you use to type on