After school, I went to ISS for registration.

I talked to a staff who sat in front of door.

I would like to join ESL, Business English

but ELS course was already reserved until 21, April

I didn't have any choice. and I applied TOEIC instead.

I can join Jennifer's class 21, April

Actually I could apply low level , but the staff didn't recommend to me.

she said that it's easy to me(but I don't think so.)

anyway during 3 weeks I'll study grammar and Idiom etc.

this Saturday which is ST. Patrick day.

my roommate invited me their party.

If I don't go Victory Island, I will go to the party.


After school, I checked my TD bank account.

My money was in.

yesterday I tried to send money from wooribank to TD bank,

but that time it takes more time.

I proud of myself ^^

tomorrow I'm going to apply ISS for Business English course.

and I started "The Sarah Conner Chronicles: Terminator"

It is very interesting ^^


Mar 10th. Windy's birthday

before few days, We tried to call Rosa.

but she hasn't answer until Saturday afternoon.

They sent one night and visited my house.

My computer and Cell phone were shut downed.

at first I didn't know why, and reboot it then They were working.

when Windy called me we argued about time because

my devices were already changed but her laptop or other watches were not changed.

Summer time started since this morning.

I had to wait them.

they arrived at around 3.

while they were coming I prepared lunch

I cooked(?) seaweed soup and 부대 soup.

and Rosa sent a message for Birthday cake. therefore I bought 2 whole cakes.(small size)

we ate lunch first. next yoplait and cake.

Windy gave me some side-dishes.

actually, I was upset.

we promised to go Stanley park, but too late to go there.


tomorrow is Windy's birth

as well as my food was out of rice and H-mart's second anniversary.

I went there and bought some food( rice 18Kg, kimchi 4L, seaweed soup and so on)

there was wholesale. I regretted because I had bought Ramen 1 box and soy milk 1 box

Rice was very heavy and I was still in pain by playing basket ball.

before shopping I had cleaned the room.(this week, the ball was in my court ^^)


after school, I went to North Vencouver to play basket ball with my classmates.

there was very far than I expected. extremely.

when I got to the court some classmates were playing basket ball.

and we started a game.

first game was "Japanese V.S from other countries"(Korea, Brazil)

In Japanese team, there is a woman player "Ayano"

I marked her ^^.

We lost that game. the score might be 29 : 30

and second game. we mixed people.

Me, Yong-hei, Diego, Kouki were team 1.

and Ayano, Akira, xxx, In-jun were team 2.

while we were playing, getting dark(how to use this expression)

we couldn't see the ball as well.

anyway we won the second game.(20 : 19)

I injured my toe.

next time I should be careful ^^


Prishilia had called me to Metro town for shopping

but she had some problem and canceled.

instead, we were going to a club at 11:30 P.M

that time is Eder finish work.

we met on Robson street

Me, Ho-jae, Eder and Prishilia and Gokce

I prepared my passport

but they just checked any ID card ^^

We drank some beer and danced

I went to bed at 3 A.M

tomorrow I have a test ^^


I visited Lupita's house.

after school, we met in the Granvill station, and went a restaurant

I took a interview.

It was very simple then I expected.

and we went to her house for dinner.

Lupita cooked some Mexican food 

we waited her roommate because she was coming.

the food are nice. one was sweet and the other looked like salad 

and we talked until 10 P.M

I had drunk homemade wine before I left.

It taste was very good. not bit, not strong ^^


after school I went Harbor center there is a bookstore.

I could buy the book "Four weddings A funeral"

the bookstore was very small than I think.

In the morning class.

Galina gave me some prints because I didn't buy that book.

and In my afternoon class.

A Japanese student came. she changed her class.

she is gonna stay for 3 weeks more.

just one month? for studying English? hm....


Four weddings and A funeral

It is going to use in my class therefore I have to buy it,

but Chapters(downtown), Harbor center, Chapters(metro town) and so on

there aren't sell it.

too strange for me to buy a book.

anyway I should attend my class without that book. T.T


They arrived at around 10:00 A.M

and Ban started cooking.

I just want to fun, but little bored.

They were such slob.
The room was mash, after they left.

I bought a basket ball.

It cost $6, but I didn't bring any coin.

the seller discounted $1.

also, Windy bought sources.

I took them to her dormitory.

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"그게 뭐 어쨌다는 거냐?" 늘 누가 나에게 나에대한 말을할 때면 이말을 기억해라. by nobang


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